Friday, October 1, 2010

Manifesting Magic - allowing your subconscious mind.

Its October… blink and we will be again setting NEW YEARS resolutions. Now is the time to take a good look at YOUR Vision Board and get to “KNOW THYSELF.”

How does it feel right now? When you look at your board today, do you still feel empowered, excited, like you could just step straight into that reality you are observing?

If your answer is yes, great! Keep enjoying your board,

your visualizations and your affirmations. Take inspired actions steps towards your visions and allow the law of attraction to bring you your dreams in the right and perfect time.

IF…on the other side when you look at your Vision Board, you get ANY feeling of unease, discomfort, a twinge of regret, anxiousness or any unpleasant thought, a weight on your shoulders, or a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach…

Remove the picture that is giving you that reaction.

If you still want the picture to manifest for you, put it away in a cupboard, a drawer, a closet, a special “creation box” or in a journal - out of sight - and allow your subconscious mind to bring it to you in the right and perfect time.

You can ceremoniously put the picture away, by saying “thank you Universe for manifesting this for me in the perfect time.”

This way you are letting go and allowing your subconscious mind to fulfill the program it has been given from the picture being

on your Vision board. If you no longer want the picture you could discard it by putting it in the trash. Please do not throw it away if you still want it but feel discouraged.

This process is powerful, having a vision board in full view programs your conscious and subconscious minds, but if the pictures no longer resonate well for you, it is far better getting them “out of sight” because if they trigger unpleasant feelings you will be counteracting the energy of manifestation.

Enjoy your October and be conscious of the pictures and the objects (and people) that surround you and get in touch with your own instant reactions to these things, if they bring you down, remove them or get some coaching to support you and lighten your load.

Everything is energy and the vibrational level you resonate is the reverberance you send out and it will translate into the situations and circumstances you experience in your life.

What if… what YOU wanted, was coming to you today and all you have to do is

Let go, Open up, Be ready to receive it and Allow it in.

The outer world reflects your inner world, take care of your

inner world this month and always.

Love Barbara

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