Sunday, August 7, 2011

Passion Beyond Reason and Driving Force.

My husband and I are having our vows renewed because a friend asked us if we would like to be her"models' for some photographs that she wants for her new website. She is a wedding minister.

This auspicious occasion has led me down a long memory lane.

17 years ago the man of my dreams walked straight off my Vision Board and into my life and it has just gotten better and better every day.

How can that be?
Because I chose to follow my dream and my passion.

Did we have arguments? Yes!
Did we find solutions to our differences? Yes!

Was it always easy? No.
Would you do it all over again? Yes!

Why am I sharing this with you?
Because I have done many years of searching into understanding what makes a Vision Board come alive and what makes dreams come true and remain true for many years. And compiling the formula into an easy and teachable format.

It is a passion of mine to share this information and its been the driving force behind why I have studied and continued to refine the teaching and coaching that I do. I offer people shortcuts and solutions to their daily life problems and hiccups, while gaining momentum towards their dreams. Whether the dreams are to have a loving and fulfilling relationship, improved health , more abundant finances, a better career, happier friendships or more success in any area

I am loving the way my life is unfolding and I love the way my students and clients lives unfold.

If you would like to discover what your true passion and driving forces are and are curious about the next steps to success, say "hi" to me at or

Have a beautiful day and enjoy your vows, your renewals and your inner passion …
the driving force for your choices, decisions and actions.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the last 17 years. My original vision board keeps delivering bigger and better than I had imagined. I hope yours is also!
