Sunday, May 23, 2010

Vision Boards & The Tipping point

The elusive “tipping point” where all things converge, best said in Malcolm Gladwell’s words - “that magic moment when ideas, trends and social behaviors cross a threshold, tip and spread like wildfire.” and “ how little things can make a big difference.”

The tipping point in Vision Boards and Law of Attraction comes when you step into that new reality that you have envisioned. It’s well known as a “quantum leap.” It is common for some people to experience the quantum leap - tipping point within a few days of creating their Vision Board. It happens almost instantly. That is the type of story you hear on Oprah, when people say…” I put these pictures on this board and “it was like magic” it all fell into place for me.”

This instant Reality Shift after Making a Vision Board is very normal and I will explain to you why it happens for some people and not for others. Vision Boards have the potential to manifest for you in 3 ways:

1. Passively : This is where it happens by magic! You do nothing more than create your Vision board and put it somewhere pleasing. It works on the subconscious mind and your brains’ reticular activating system, at the level below conscious awareness. This passive approach will work for you and the intangible tipping point could take 10 minutes or 10 years depending on the energy around the goals on the board. If you have been working an a goal, had a lot of desire or frustration around the goal and got “stuck” - the action of making your Vision Board and stating your intention visually, somehow releases the “stuck-ness”… and your reality flows into you life on “auto pilot.”

It can also take up to 10 years for some goals, depending on how much change,growth or skill development is required, in order to attract the “end result” that you requested by creating your Vision Board. Realistically and practically, if your goal is to be a doctor or other licensed professional, there is a protocol that must be followed, including many years of study and training. If attracting the perfect relationship is taking longer than desired, there may be some life experience that is required prior to your partner showing up for you. Follow your passion, eg: learn a language, start a hobby, study something, join a group, travel… even if it doesn’t make logical sense. You will find the person will eventually appear. The reality you seek may turn up “when you least expect it” and the very activity you did by following your heart, could be the key to the tipping point.

2. Progressively: This is where you are intentional in your actions and practice some law of attraction focusing and visualization tools a few times per week or intermittently. You are open to receiving the gifts that are brought to you “co-incidentally”, out of the blue. You are expectant but not impatient. You know your “end result” is coming and you tend to your “garden” regularly. Many Law of attraction teachings use the analogy of your mind being a fertile garden and that the thoughts and feelings you “plant” and nurture - practice regularly - will take root, develop and eventually you will see the fruits of your efforts.

3. Passionately This is where you start intentionally training and preparing yourself for the event. A daily practice of focused Mind power, visualizations, affirmations, contemplations, gratitude and success lists and daily actions in the outer world as well as the inner world. This type of intense activity will definitely raise your vibration and create the neural superhighway in the brain so that you will receive greater insights, have more intuitive hits and be able to be “in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing” for you to achieve the results you desire. Its like an “easter egg” hunt, you know its there all you have to do is be willing and able to go get it!

Like all Law of attraction principles - there is a duality attached. How do you stay intentional, be diligent in your practice and then “let go and let God, The Universe… deliver?”

There is a quote “ Stay focused on the end result but flexible in your approach.”

Joe Vitale explains it well - The Goals on the Vision Board are things I want but don’t NEED. Actively working towards your goal will certainly help you achieve it quickly, as long as you remain mindful that it “may be around the next corner.” That means you can’t see it ahead of you, that is why they say “act in faith” or as Goethe said “ move forward confidently in the direction of your dreams…”

Letting go of the neediness around your goals, which sounds easy but not always easy to do… and using a childlike sense of wonderment and expectation, when working with your Vision Board…

will allow that magical tipping point to happen faster than you may realize.

Enjoy your Vision Board, the work you do either actively or passively and the results it brings in the right time.

Visit and register for more free tips to manifest better and faster.

© 2010 –Barbara Pellegrino All rights reserved

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Vision Board Relationship

Today, Mothers day, I was very happy remembering this huge blessing and tipping point shift...

It's 16 years since the weekend just before I met, my "Dream come true husband" Rand, it really was " the darkness before the dawn."

It was a rough weekend I was very sad, as all my Mind Power and Treasure Mapping focus was still not manifesting for me. I had manifested so much that was wonderful… but still, not my life partner. He was no where to be found and then… it happened - the quantum leap into this reality.

The very next day, he called - it was a blind date set up by a friend - we met May 12 and yes 3 days later May 15 we were engaged. Married in October 1994. And loving life ever since!

This happy ending… no this happy beginning is a testimony to the power of Vision Boards and the awesome "tipping point." Like Winston Churchill said "never, never give up…" you don't know when you will make a quantum leap into the reality you have been working towards.
You don't know - your dream life may be around the next corner.

And after the initial excitement wears off - it will seem like it was always this way - it will be so natural to you, you will feel like it was alwyas waiting for you, and it is.

Love your dreams, enjoy your vision board, create it with respect and love it as it is the the future you are moving towards and soon you will be living your dreams and visions.

Happy Mothers Day to all.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

How to manifest a Vision Board

Welcome to your… Vision Board Hot Tip May 2010

I have just returned from attending the Magnificent Celebration in LA, where I was privileged and

honored to conduct a Vision Board Class for the attendees. It was FABULOUS!

I love seeing the boards “come together” as you put your visions and dreams onto the paper. I get so excited as people share their hopes and dreams.(youtube link)

The creation of a Vision Board or Treasure Map enables you to see your desired end result. It brings your dreams out of the realm of the imagination and into reality with “molecules” which now give your goals a “frequency” and “vibration.”

More scientific studies are showing that what we pay attention to and focus on, creates new neural networks in the brain. The more you look at your board, focus, contemplate and enjoy the visions of your future reality, the more neural connections are made…

until you get a neural ‘superhighway’ which will help youto get new thoughts, ideas and action steps to fast track your results.

A great way to lay down new neural pathways is to set time aside

to contemplate and journal about what is on your Vision Board.

One effective contemplation technique that you can practice is to think about

and write down the answers to these questions.

Why do you want this goal?

How would you feel if you had it right now?

Who would you tell your good news to? - why?

How does it feel to share your success with these people?

For best results regularly (daily if possible) spend 5 minutes doing this type of focusing.

The more you focus on your end result, the quicker you will tip it into reality.

Cant wait to hear your stories

Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers!



p.s. Next Vision Board Class in Hawaii:

Downtown Oahu- May 17.

Hawaii Women’s Business Center.

p.p.s. Youtube testimonials about Vision Boards

To Your Success!

Transforming Lives - One Vision at a Time!

Barbara Pellegrino

Vision Board Success Trainer

Transformational Life Coach, CPC, CEC

Master Practitioner Energy Leadership

NLP Trainer, Speaker, Author.

Vision Board Support:

How to- Vision Board- Article

7 Steps to Creating Your Board

Vision Board Personal Coaching

Energy Leadership

Love Life Advice: